
Vagina Tightening

women, the inner part of the genital organ is called the vagina, and in case thecannot fulfill its tightness, women vagina resort to vaginal tightening surgery and thus, vaginal tightening procedures are performed. Many people want to know what this surgery is and when it is done.

As it is known, the vagina is one of the most important body parts. Because sexual intercourse and childbirth are carried out exactly through the vagina. In various situations, the vagina can lose its tightness and this causes women to feel uncomfortable. But what is tigh tening which makes it possible for theto regain its former tightness vaginal surgery,vagina exactly?

What is Vagina Tightening?

Called application as vaginoplasty generally is an operation that women having symptoms such as the following:

  • relaxation of vaginal tissue
  • expansion toof the vaginal tissues
  • increase the elasticity of the vaginal tissue

women with any complaints above, vagina throttling seeks to maintain much more comfortably life by applying to theoperation. But what are the steps that come to the fore within the scope of the application?

How is Vagina Tightening Performed?

Many womenbefore applying for the related surgery byhow tovagina want to learn how the surgery is performedaskingtighten the. Since vaginal enlargement causes women to be uncomfortable both sexually and physically, women who are alone with the problem of vaginal enlargement apply to surgery for vaginal narrowing.

As part of the surgery, some of the tissue in the vagina is removed. The remaining incision area is closed and sutured by various methods. In this way, the surgery is completed and the tightening procedures are applied in the enlarged vagina.

How Long Does Vagina Tightening Take?

Although there are a lot of questions about the surgery, one of them is how long it takesnarrow the vagina known asto. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and the operation is completed in approximately 40 minutes. The application, which is known as one of the short-term surgeries, has been preferred by many women recently.

When Is Postpartum Vaginal Tightening Performed?

After giving birth, some women may experience an enlargement of their vaginas. As this situation has been mentioned before, womenafter giving birth, as it causes women to feel bad psychologically and physically vaginal tightening benefit fromprocedures. But how much time must have passed since the birth in order to benefit from the application?

In order for a woman who had a normal delivery to benefit from this surgery, at least 1 year must have passed since the birth. Because vaginal tissues that are damaged after birth need to renew themselves, and this usually takes a period of 1 year. After the cesarean section, it will be a healthy choice to wait for 6 months. With the application of various procedures, women are relieved by the narrowing of their enlarged vaginas and can return to their normal lives after a certain period of time.


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